Thursday, February 4, 2010

What is a film that creates a false representation of reality?

ALL films do that. ';ALL'; films. Don't ever kid yourself. There is no such thing as a 100% accurate film, not even documentaries on the Discovery Channel, History Channel, etc. Therefore they all give a false representation of reality, even if only slightly. They are all manipulated to some degree or another to ';make money'; and appeal to an audience. The truth will either be stretched to some degree or another, or reduced for ';effect';.

Take my word for it. I've been in the business for over 35 years and I know.What is a film that creates a false representation of reality?
Mostly all movies but my fav was The Blaire Witch Prodject.What is a film that creates a false representation of reality?
Usual Suspects is one of the best....

Fight Club too!

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