Thursday, February 4, 2010

With so many different paintings of Jesus christ, is it true to conclude that most are False representations?

if not all? !!!With so many different paintings of Jesus christ, is it true to conclude that most are False representations?
Yes most are falseWith so many different paintings of Jesus christ, is it true to conclude that most are False representations?
They are all the result of ';artistic license'; which gives a artist the license to present the subject (of the work) within the scope of their interpretation and/or imagination.

To say they are false representations is to deny the scope and intent of artist license.
You could conclude such. Yet everything's in argument. Who are we to say that we really know what Jesus Looks like? We're conditioned to believe that Jesus was a tall white man with long curly brown hair. The truth is that none of us truly know what he looked like. We know that he was Jewish, lived in what is now Isreal, or near there and the only thing we can conclude about what he looked like is what people of that area look like now and most of all, our Imagination.
Does Jesus have to be one color in particular. I would like to think the ';Advocate';, The lamb of GOD, The resurrection and the life,the shepard of Souls, The Judge, and many more names is what you see him as. He is GOD by any other name, by the way. The trinity of three can come in any form.

The essential thing is to believe in whom JESUS Christ is, was, and always will be.
If Jesus actually did exist (no physical records of his birth, life, imprisonment, or death but there are of Barabas and John the Baptist out side the Bible) his depiction is more likely like this one.....…

There are so many depictions of what he may of looked like but knowing his origin of birth, ancient skulls with forensic studies, and current humans of his similar ancestory he would have probably looked more like the above picture.

What the other iconic paintings do to help spread the belief was to influence those of other cultures and give them a depiction that they themselves could relate to.......…

The ';romantic'; versions with his facial expressions stern and eyelids half closed and a softness added to his eyes or stature makes him, as a deity, approachable.

Have you ever thought why most icons of ancient deities, mostly of the Gods and Goddesses seem to be expresionless? It is for the follower or believer to decide. It was how they saw their deity at that moment, happy, sad, compassionate, concerned, angered, or uninterested in our lives. Many of the early depictions of Jesus were done in the same form, emotionless. The difference with him was that they painted his eyes differently. Looking directly not lowered or raised and were positioned in such a way they would follow you, but he was in a relaxed and serene state with the lids lowered unlike other paintings of the 3 or 4th centuries.

So, what you invisioned may not have been a ';divine'; being as you would like to believe but maybe a messanger or spirit sent to you to give you strength or a message about your life.

Jesus adapts Himself to who we are. And paintings are a way of saying that. You talk like a baby to a baby. You play differently with a cat than a dog, and at different statges in life you want the same person to be different things for you.

It is normal and natural. I used to carry around a younger picture of my mother than her actual age was. Is this 'wrong' ? [ no ]
One can assume that Christ cannot look like EVERY painting - this s only each culture's vision of Him that fits their standards. Actually, most of our assumptions are wrong.

Most archaeologists say that the average Semite man of the time was 5'1';, and weighed 110 lbs. Since He worked as a carpenter, he would have been more muscular than pictures suggest.

Since Judas had to identify Jesus, it's logical to assume that He looked like any other Jew.

And since Paul said that men could have short hair, it's safe to assume that Jesus had short hair.
Well yeah... they hadn't even started painting things like that when Jesus was around, so it had to be something someone made up.

-Edit- Have you SEEN paintings from that time period? I never said they didn't paint, I said they don't paint things ';like that';. Granted, I could have been more specific, but I meant it was pretty primitive... it's not as though you would have been able to recognize anyone in one. They all had the same color skin, very little shading, and almond-shaped eyes. You wouldn't have been able to tell what someone looked like from looking at a painting from that time period.
People who love Jesus have an image of what He may have looked like in their mind and so too had the early artists who depicted Him as mostly caucasian according to their own colour and with long hair and a beard as pertaining to Jewish men of that era.

I seriously doubt if this is a problem whenever it recalls the Lord so much more clearly to mind.

Regarding pictures of Jesus being adolatry I think those who suggest such a stupid thing really need to understand the commandment better instead of a knee jerking self proclaimed puritism, for if they go this far then it would be logical to assume that they do not picture Jesus in their mind either?
I would conclude most are factual; also it is important to remember that Jesus was from Jersualem, so it is unlikely He would be black, Asian or have to think about where He was born and where He lived.
yes that is true if you read isaiah53- 1-12 this describes jesus christ and in one verse it says he didn't have any beauty or majesty that made us notice him there wasn't anything special about the way he looked that drew us to him. men looked down on him he knew all about sorrow and suffering he was like someone people turn their faces away from.although i like the paintings of christ i know that the paintings are not him. because of what isaiah tells me other wise i hope this answers your question
Art is just that, a representation of one person's imagination. Artist's see things in their own way and interpret it.

EDIT just because someone painted Jesus does not mean they have seem Him. I painted pictures of Him before I was a believer. I can assure you of one thing, you are son has seen Jesus and it is nothing like the pictures according to his description. Yet it does fit in with yours.
They all are, no one knows what jesus looked like we have no reliable records of his appearance

edit: If you already knew the answer, why did you ask us?
For those of us who are Not knowledgeable and uninformed please provide a verified representational image from the first century of Jesus or any Jew.
All we know is He was Jewish, and wore a beard which was plucked out when He was tortured before His crucifixion.

I believe God wants us to believe, sight unseen, strictly by faith.
Well, we can't really say that these are real depictions or not. BUT I can say that the most reliable ones are the earliest depictions of Christ (during or a few years after his life on earth).
Of course not. We created god in our own image. Thus, all the jesus' that look like us

Black jesus looks really hot, by the way.
He probably looks a lot more Jewish then most paintings.
They all spring from the imaginations of men.
Well, no one knows what jesus looked liked. There is or was no recorded paintings that was taken during his life on earth.
who cares? i know who he is and what he stands for and i love him b/c he loves me
All are false representations. No one knows what Jesus looked like.
They are all false.
i beleive Jesus would have looked Middle Eastern..seeing as that is the area where he was from.
All are false images. There were no cameras in the day when Jesus was on earth. He did not pose for an artist.
yes they are because he wasn't even white !
they all are...
We do not know really what Jesus looked like other than he was an olive skinned Jew.

All the paintings of Jesus are making an image or likeness of the things in heaven... It would be considered breaking the 2nd commandment.
well. considering the fact he is imaginary...;…
He never existed so they all are.
  • good myspace
  • Why do false representations of Catholic doctrine tend to come from Christians not Atheists?

    It seems to me that the daily barrage of ';Why do Catholics believe... '; questions tend to come from the reformed Christian adherents. I rarely see an Atheist present a misrepresentation of Catholic doctrine. They may not agree with it, but they rarely misrepresent it. In fact, it seems common for at least one or two to chime in on these questions and say ';that's not what they believe';

    It seems that most atheists can understand that Catholics are required to accept the teachings contained in their Catechism and are apparently better informed on what those teaching are, while most Christian reformers seem to be misinformed regarding Catholic doctrine. IMO.Why do false representations of Catholic doctrine tend to come from Christians not Atheists?
    Because most atheists have at least a grasp of the way a system of belief works, and attempt to view the beliefs of another as valid to that person.

    Many vocal Christians, on the other hand, demonstrate a disturbingly intense inability to view another person's mental state as valid in even that person's own mind. They totally and utterly lack empathy.

    As far as why you'll occasionally find atheists answering in defense of Catholics, I think you'll find that on the whole, atheists are genuinely interested in the truth. If someone parrots a falsehood, even about a belief system we do not believe ourselves, we seem prompted to correct the falsehood, either to teach or at least prevent it being said again. I've become fairly knowledgable of Judaism over the past few years, so I try to answer questions about Judaism as well -- fairly, accurately, sincerely, even though I'm an atheist.

    Belief systems posit certain logical axioms. From these you can draw conclusions, even if you don't accept the initial axioms as true.Why do false representations of Catholic doctrine tend to come from Christians not Atheists?
    I believe that most Catholic-bashers are other Christians because they don't understand the RCC or don't want to. Most evangelical protestant groups are in competition with the RCC to ';save'; as many people as they can, so they have to come up with nonsense against the Catholics in order to persuade. So many of these Christians are so busy worshipping the Bible they don't try to understand how 2,000 years of history has shaped an institution that has withstood just about everything that can be experienced by humanity.

    I no longer practice Catholicism, but to all you non-Catholic Christians who insisit on spreading lies and half-truths, give it a rest already!

    All religious institutions are run by humans and are therefore subject to imperfection, including your own Bible church or wherever you go. Deal with it and move on.
    I am not surprised

    the basis of what you are asking is why some christians lie about you yet atheists present accurate facts.

    I've seen loads of similar questions about catholics that are asked by christians and have all of the catholics point out the the question is wrong, maybe they should be in the drinking game?

    I think it's easy for some christian fundies and loons to lie about others even though it's a 'sin' by their own rules
    Because atheists have sufficient arguments to reject all versions of Christianity based on logic, historical evidence and general Christian dogma. They have no need to misrepresent any of the particular Christian cults or make one sound better than the others.

    Protestants however are in the 'my version of our imaginary friend is better than your version of our imaginary friend' game. So making Catholic dogma looks stupid does two things:

    It might make a catholic going their belief system, and they get vindication through numbers.

    It makes them feel better in believing their dogma over the doma of other cults, again giving them vindication of their beliefs.

    It does not matter if they are distorting Catholic dogma, they are just lookig for vindication that they are right and others are wrong. That their vindication is a shallow shadow of a thing does not matter, as long as it exists in their minds.

    Face it, if any religious person was after the real truth they would have found the historical evidence that disproves their beliefs ages ago.
    When I attended catechism class in an Evangelically oriented Presbyterian church as a teenager we spent almost as much time being taught negative ';facts'; about Catholic practices and teaching as we did studying the dogma and polity of our own denomination.

    Sadly most of those ';facts'; were either obsolete or never true to begin with.
    Ignorance! I asked that question a few days ago. There are so many misconceptions: like Catholics aren't Christians, Catholics are Pagan, Catholics are idol-worshippers, Catholics haven't been saved.... I believe it mostly comes from fear, or maybe their Protestant, Pentecostal, etc. Gives false information about Catholics in their sermons. Since Atheists aren't exposed to such things, they probably have a better idea of the whole thing :/ however, im Catholic, so i will never know.
    Virtually all of the poisonous things said here about Catholicism come from uneducated fundamentalist Christians. They're railing not against Catholicism at all, but what they've been TOLD is Catholicism. You're just not going to get anything factual out of Jack Chick's website, it's really as simple as that.
    Well of course most misrepresentations come from other Christians. Christians who are not Catholic or Orthodox are, by definition, Protestants. The purpose of Protestantism is to protest against the Catholic Church. Many of them will find something to protest about even if they have to make it up.
    Bing, hit the nail on the head. As said so many times before, most atheists have studied religion to such an extent that they were able to make an informed decision, whereas most religious people take the entire doctrine for granted, because someone else said it is so.
    Sadly, this answer is going to sound really harsh. I'm not normally so blunt. But we (Catholics) have all seen this repeatedly.

    Because so many of them prefer to shut their brains off and believe what ever lies they are spoon fed. Such as the earth is really only 5000 years old and Catholics are Pagan idol worshipers.

    If they'd just pick up a book and read, things would be very different.

    Then there is the petty highschoolish need to be better than us. They feel they must talk smack about is to feel better about themselves.
    atheists know both sides are screwy, and will judge people for who they are, not what they claim to believe, since an atheist believes that doesn't matter

    a ';christian'; (notice the quotes) will judge someone based on what they have been taught about their beliefs
    Atheists rely on reason.

    Protestants rely on faith.

    Neither position is superior to the Catholic position of relying on both faith and reason ... as illuminated by the grace and truth of Jesus Christ, and his authentic Church.
    Atheist tend to at least attempt to reason logically and hopefully get their facts straight.

    Where as religious types take a more emotional approach.
    Atheists tend to get their facts from studying, not from blindly believing and parroting whatever the preacher says.
    Because believe it or not - even though we don't believe, the majority of atheist know a thing or two about religion.

    Diggin' your avatar.
    Perhaps because the majority of Protestants get their information from their own faith whereas atheists are more likely to look it up in unbiased areas.
    Atheists while they may not believe do study facts and understand our faith better than other christians. They actually read about it. IMHO they are often more respectful.
    the daily athiest like me, dont see any point in trying to present our information logically to an illogical group of people.
    Christians who focus on a splinter in someone else's eye do so because of the great big log in their own eye.
    Because why pull the no true scotsman stunt when you believe there are no true scotsmen in the first place....
    because they are the ones trying to sell their snake oil to the masses. not atheists.
    I don't know
    Most of the atheists I know are well-informed people who don't accept anything on blind faith and who check their facts before presenting them. They aren't content to swallow someone else's version of the truth without verifying the details.

    The same thing can't be said of many fundamentalists and evangelicals who mindlessly accept whatever their pastor tells them about Catholicism or what they've read in Jack Chick tracts. If Pastor So-and-so said it or they saw it on a website, it has to be true.

    Just take a look at some of the anti-Catholic responses you've already gotten. The writers are presenting their information as ';facts,'; but not one of their accusations is true. An atheist would be much more likely to check his sources and reject poorly documented information.

    It's the difference between being well-read and informed about a subject and being one of the sheeple who trot along meekly after someone they think they can trust.
    There are no errors in Catholic Dogma.

    The Catholic Church is founded by God, is Indefectible, one of its divine marks, and cannot have errors. It is the Perfect Society, with Christ as its Head, therefore it is Holy. It is One, because all members believe exactly the same doctrines. The Church speaks those Words of Christ give us by the Apostles, it is therefore, Apostolic. The Four Marks define the True Church: One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. There is no dissent among its members, therefore it is Catholic, as the Greek word from the First Century, ';kathol,'; defines. The Church of Christ exists in all eternity, indefectible and holy.

    There are only errors in the Vatican II Roman Protestant Church, which never existed before 1965. Its ';proposals'; and heresies. Yes heresies. When Paul 6 violated the sacraments he touched on divine law, the words of the sacraments, and that is what the other Protestants are referring to. The violated new Words of the sacraments is full-out sacrilege for any valid priest who uses them. The Protestants think that the Catholic Church ';changed,'; when all it did was go underground, takings its faithful and its holy sacraments and priests with it. It left the Newchurch behind.

    The Impostor Church has taken over the offices and attempts the mutilation of the doctrines. It is not the Catholic Church, headed by the Invisible Vicar that would allow changes or errors! It has nothing to do with the Catholic Church, except to change and mimic the True Church. Vatican II was a council that took place from 1962-1965. Vatican II was a false council that constituted a revolution against 2000 years of Catholic teaching and Tradition. Vatican II contains many heresies that were directly condemned by past popes and infallible councils. Vatican II attempted to give Catholics a new religion. But Catholics knew their doctrine, and they knew it was a false council. In the period following Vatican II, massive changes in the dogmatic reservoir of Catholicism was abused, including the implementation of a New Mass, violating Quo Primum and the Council of Trent, a Dogmatic Council with de fide dogmas on the Mass. I can, today and since 1967, no longer be seen as Catholicism.

    Vatican II also came out with new practices and views toward other religions, leading the Protestants to think that they were not heretics without requiring any Abjurations Against Heresy or The Profession of the Catholic Faith. Well, how could it when it had conformed its Mass to the Protestant ';mass';? The Catholic Church cannot change its teaching on other religions and how it views the members of other religions, since these are truths of Faith delivered by Jesus Christ. Vatican II attempted to do that. The Catholics then left to retain their Mass and their doctrine of the faith underground.

    The Heresies in Vatican II:

    Vatican II was called by Freemason Roncalli, and it was solemnly promulgated and confirmed by Montini on Dec. 8, 1965. Vatican II was not a true general or ecumenical council of the Catholic Church because it was called and confirmed by manifest heretics (John 23 and Paul 6) who were not eligible for the papal election (see Paul 6's Apostolic Constitution). The fruits of Vatican II are plain for all to see. Any honest Catholic who lived before the council and compares it with the religion in the dioceses today can attest to the fact that Vatican II inaugurated a new religion. Maybe the honest ex-Catholic likes the new religion, but, nevertheless, because he wasn't watchful, or because of choice, he has taken himself out of Catholicism and entered the Church of Vatican II.

    It also took until the internet for a wider reach to the world in order to correct and explain the Errors of Vatican II. Today there is no excuse any longer. Savvy?
    Why would atheists care about the doctrine of the Catholic Church?

    We aren't misinformed. Catholics are. They follow a pseudo-pagan-Christian doctrine that is nothing at all what Christ taught. I don't care what the Catholic catechism teaches. It is NOT what the real teacher taught. The real teacher is/was Christ.

    Kevin- I am not an uneducated fundamentalist, nor did I get my info from Jack Chick. Your problem is that you don't want to actually take the time to learn the real origins of many things the Catholic church teaches, or has done to the teachings of Christ. So much of it comes from pagan worship it isn't funny. Plenty of atheists know that Easter and Christmas come from pagan holidays. How come Catholics don't?
    It is the truth that Catholic church is anti Christ.

    Christ is the Word. Catholics changed the words and doctrines of the bible.
    Because the Christians can see that the emperor has no clothes....

    We know the Bible and what they teach and speak is the traditions and laws of men and contrary to the word of God...
    Yes they are to accept those teachings, but even a lot don't if you are really honest and still attend the Catholic church.
    Both atheists and Catholics are non Christians so I suppose there is a compatibility of sorts there.
    Catholics are really crazy
    Perhaps the reason that it is Christians who most frequently point out errors of faith in the Catholic doctrines is because it is Christians who study the scripture which is the place where those errors are most visible.

    It was all started in 1520 by Martin Luther who was a priest and bible teacher at Wittenburg university in Germany. During a solitude study in his tower retreat, he discovered the promise of the gospels that states without a doubt that all of us are capable of praying to God (directly) and that through our faithful acceptance of the sacrifice that God made through Christ Jesus, we are all absolved of our sinful indiscretions.

    Although there is no harm in discussing those sins with your pastor, it is not required to perform sacraments for absolution. Also, the whole scenario that followed the debates that began with Luther's 95 thesis only made this divide (and distinction) between Catholic and protestant beliefs stronger.

    If you truly want to see the history of the protestant reform that has lead to your perception that Christians seem to question Catholic doctrine, it is all here in the book of Concord, the very doctrine that is the Lutheran Church.

    Here. you can read Luther's life works along with the Popes response and Luther's apologetics

    You might find a better understanding of you query there as well

    What's up with all the false genre representations?

    I know some people just aren't good at that, but some people are way off. Opinions?What's up with all the false genre representations?
    I know, I know. Look at this question, some of the ignorance there disgusts me.鈥?/a>

    I answered a Q the other day that asked for metal recommendations. They edited and said that they didn't like female voices but that they were sure that there were talented bands out there like Paramore and Evanescence. WTF?

    I think people are too close minded to want to listen to something they're not used to.

    Lol no kidding. Like the person below me though, sometimes the genre thing confuses me. I love genres, but when I asked for doom metal recommendations, the person said ';Well what kind do you want? Funeral? Epic? Drone? Stoner?'; Like, huh? How am I supposed to know the difference between them if I haven't listened to much?

    Ah well.What's up with all the false genre representations?
    some of these teenie boppers hear a guitar in a song and right away think they're cool because they're listening to rock music. i dont understand how you can ask a question about paramore being a goth band? WTF?! it doesnt even make sense. mainstream sucks. and i agree, how much talent does it really take to be mainstream and entertain 13 year olds. but when i say that i get criticized.

    it also sucks that people come on here and say that classic rock is not good and its boring and that we should all listen to whats going on now. if it wasnt for the classics, there would be no music today.
    You mean like KISS and Alice Cooper are metal?

    These are the ones I see most often...

    Bullet for My Valentine, MCR are metal and Motley Crue is classic rock..

    KISS, Alice Cooper- Classic Rock

    Bullet- Post-Hardcore

    MCR- Pop Punk, Alternative

    Motley Crue- Hard Rock

    Haha I'm just saying, some ignorant people call MCR metal, when they are just about the farthest thing I can think of.
    Josh Y, you need to learn more about your Genres

    KISS, Alice Cooper - They're GLAM ROCK, not Classic Rock

    Bullet For My Valentine - They're METALCORE, not Post-Hardcore

    MCR- Pop Punk

    Motley Crue - Newer are Hard Rock, Pre. SOLA is Heavy Metal. Throughout their whole career, they're Glam Metal.
    One time, I found a book called the Encyclopedia of Metal. So many things were wrong with it:

    Nirvana was in it.

    The Insane Clown Possie was in it.

    My Chemical Romance was in it.

    Dream Theater WASN'T in it.

    I mean, WTF dude?
    Yeah, it gets annoying. I'm starting to ignore it more and more.

    Oh yeah, the Yahoo thing, I voted for it and I lol'd to this...

    ';Yahoo! Answers Suggestion Board We are listening - we want to hear from you!';
    It really pisses me off. I usually bash out the people who mistake a genre, but only if it is totally obvious that the band is not that genre.
    i think there are too many genres ,i know what i like but dont necessarily know what genre a band a like falls under all the time.
    Yes like Dragonforce they're not powermetal they're Nintendocore!
    Opeth is sooooo emo!!!

    lol j/k

    People are stupid, that's the only answer.

    I was told that a person can not have legal representation in court for a stop sign violation..True or false?

    my brother went to court and tried to defend himself with evidence that would have cleared him but when asked if you could obtain an attorney the judge said no--but is it ok fro a prosecutor being there against him --i always thought that's why lawyers make money defens=ding someone...I was told that a person can not have legal representation in court for a stop sign violation..True or false?
    My understanding is that anyone can have legal representation if they so choose.

    The only way I could see the judge saying no is that he thought your brother meant that he wanted a public defender. But I could be wrong. It has happened once or twice.I was told that a person can not have legal representation in court for a stop sign violation..True or false?
    This doesn't pass the smell test.

    1) Everyone has the right to be represented by an attorney in any court proceeding, in the US. Not everyone has the right to be represented for free.

    2) $2,000 is an incredibly high attorney fee to take a stop sign violation to trial. I can see an attorney charging a couple of hours of time, but charging more than that is ridiculous. I suggest that if your brother wants to fight this further, he call several different traffic attorneys and ask them what they would charge. Either (a) the charges aren't what you've told us or (b) the attorneys didn't want the case or (c) your brother and/or the attorney misunderstood the case.

    For a referral, contact your local or state bar association.
    He has the right to legal representation in any legal proceeding. But dont forget that the lawyer is an officer of the court and that is where his loyalty lies.
    He has a right to a lawyer.
    False,every one has the right to an attorney no matter the violation.
    Now..if the judge denied a continuence to get an attorney that is valid if the judge feels it was only done to delay the trial...otherwise your brother has a right to obtain one...but if he has exculpatory evidence why does he need to pay an attorney?
    Everyone has the right to legal representation in any court. That being said, it is usually a waste of your time and money to hire a lawyer for traffic court. A lawyer is going to charge as much, and probably more, for an hour in court, as just paying the fine would cost. He had the opportunity to hire legal representation BEFORE going to court. No judge is going to give a continuance in a traffic case on the day your brother appears in court, because he should have had his lawyer all lined up before his court date.
    You don't necessarily need an attorney for a stop sign violation, however, if you have the opportunity to get an attorney then you have that right.

    Do you think that the False Prophet of Revalations could have been a metaphoric representation.....?

    Do you think that the False Prophet of Revalations could have been a metaphoric representation of Misunderstandings, Misinterpretationsand Misrepresentation of GOD and his Bible?

    If no, do you at least thing that this Jerk has clearly done the same thing that the damned False Prophet is supposed to do? People that claim to be Christians that don't really understand what it is that they're saying claim to be the recipients of miricals daily. What makes this worse is that no real miracle has been worked. They simpy stopped focusing on the original cause of their woe and started focusing on this eternal reward that they may never get.

    It has always been my contention that no congregation of hundereds can be filled with poor and suffering people and still claim to be a mass of Christians.

    What do you think?Do you think that the False Prophet of Revalations could have been a metaphoric representation.....?
    It's possible. We may never know for sure. If they were using symbolism and metaphor for all of the things you suggest, it sure would have been nice if they'd told some body!Do you think that the False Prophet of Revalations could have been a metaphoric representation.....?
    let me correct you on one thing the word is . revelation read the book of[ jude] on this matter on false peophets ...
    Lazarus sat by the gate daily.Job bore punishment though he had no sins.
    what is your fascination with the word ';metaphor?';
    I think that the False Prophet will be a man supernaturally charged by the Antichrist during the Tribulation period in Revelation with maintaining the one world religion that the Antichrist will employ. The reason we don't see as many miracles working in our midst is that it was said that in the last days, ';evil men and seducers would wax worse and worse'; meaning that God would begin to turn a deaf ear to those who would no longer diligently seek His face, that evil would become so strong that it would jade men's hearts against the possibility of miracles being performed. As far as being poor and suffering, the Scripture teaches that we are not to ';lay up your treasures where rust doth corrupt and thieves break in and steal.'; It doesn't mean we have to be broke all the time, it's just a reminder that there are more important things in life than money and that if we're so dead set on attaining them, we still have to earn them by ';the sweat of your face.';
    I take the false prophet literally.
    While I don't know about the majority of your question, I will respond to the last paragraph. There is nothing that I know of that limits belief in Christ to the non-poor and non-suffering.
    .you dont know you can see thru the broadband ? You proly molested girls urself and are into porn.......who told you girls dont come on yahoo...nobodys that F***** up ? Yes they are !!! you nasty mean old man......I forgive you for the hurtful things you said to me on my question...u hurt my feelings and I forgive u........

    A physical representation of a database is called a data model...True or False?

    Typically, for a given data base, there is a structural description of the type of facts held in that database: this description is known as a schema. The schema describes the objects that are represented in the database, and the relationships among them. There are a number of different ways of organizing a schema, that is, of modeling the database structure: these are known as database models (or data models). The model in most common use today is the relational model.

    What false representations of transition did you find in Trans America?

    Its been about year since I saw that movie and I am not that familiar with a transition, but since your asking I'll mention a scene that bothered me (if I am even recalling it correctly): The scene (I believe it was towards the end of the movie) where she met with her therapist and the words she had to speak to finalize (the justification of) getting SRS didn't seem right to me.What false representations of transition did you find in Trans America?
    I was afraid of them so I haven't seen it.

    The best(and most honest)fictional representations of Trans Life I've seen have been:

    1) Different for Girls

    2)Ma Vie En Rose(the old one)

    3) A character in ';World's Fastest Indian';

    4) Boys Don't Cry (hard to watch, though)

    5) Breakfast on Pluto

    6) and yes....The Crying GameWhat false representations of transition did you find in Trans America?
    The whole transition process is kinda glanced over in the movie really... I mean, for a depiction in a film, I think it was pretty good at showing one fictional person's journey. I've still never had a sweet old lady in the deep south give me a free electro touch-up will offering a sassy brand of homespun wisdom, but everyone follows their own path, right?
  • good myspace
  • Export marketing mostly depends on indirect representation is it true or false?

    International marketingExport marketing mostly depends on indirect representation is it true or false?
    Yep, definitely one or the other.

    You'll need to read your textbook or attend class to find out which

    GOD forbid;How much if any,has false-prophets and bad representation damaged your view of Jesus Christ?

    Nothing can damage my view of my Lord Jesus Christ.GOD forbid;How much if any,has false-prophets and bad representation damaged your view of Jesus Christ?
    one big problem in today's world is that most people that call themselves Christians have no back bone, and have miss interrupted the Scriptures, think that meekness means timid and cowardliness, but not hardly,, the bible says to be bold , meek is a state of mind toward God, and gentleness, but not to bend on what God has told us, and as far as telling people they are wrong, ,, it is our duty, to instruct people of there error, For judgment must begin at the house of God ,, ,,, and second we must live what we preach, and that's why people wont tell others when they are in the wrong because they are doing the same things, true christains are not like this ,,,dont be fooledGOD forbid;How much if any,has false-prophets and bad representation damaged your view of Jesus Christ?
    Fundamentalist not only drive people away from listening to the word from good Christians but also drive more and more people out of the churches each year!!!

    The Antichrist is alive and thriving on earth using the fundies to destroy the church from the inside!!!!!
    The Christian perception of Jesus has damaged the real truth of Jesus.
    My view of Jesus has only deepened having discovered the dogma of self serving 鈥搒elf proclaimed profits.
    Odd. I thought all prophets were false.

    McCanns: could the Express and Star sue the McCanns for false representation of the Fund ?

    As we know there are only three facts in the case of missing Madeleine McCann - 1) the obvious, Madeleine is missing, 2) that Kate and Gerry left their 3 children on their own prior to her going missing and 3) Kate McCann, Gerry McCann and Robert Murat are official Arguido's in Portuguese law. But the official webside of the McCann fund states categorically as if fact that Madeleine McCann was 'Abducted', 1.1.2 of the funds aims states 'To procure that Madeleine鈥檚 abduction is thoroughly investigated and that her abductors, as well as those who played or play any part in assisting them, are identified and brought to justice'. But thats not a fact, thats a speculation in the same way that accusing the parents of murdering her is speculation and hence libel.

    Surely if Newspapers and individuals can be sued for libel for speculation, then the fund can be sued for fraudulently claiming that Madeleine was 'Abducted', until such a time this is proven in law also ?McCanns: could the Express and Star sue the McCanns for false representation of the Fund ?
    They probably can sue, and I'm sure that they have taken advice from the legal teams on this matter.McCanns: could the Express and Star sue the McCanns for false representation of the Fund ?
    I suppose that after any legal case, after any prosecution, there will be many questions to be answered, there are those who say that the fund is being mismanaged, there are those who say that the figures declared by the fund simply don't add up, in the end, there may well be much more to come out, time will tell, it's difficult to tell what has, or hasn't been drawn from the fund, there have been several times when Gerald has claimed, ';wealthy benefactors'; have paid, when, in fact it has transpired the fund has been used, I would cite, the second villa, the airline tickets to America, their living expenses... but, there are more.
    nope.. they should stop getting side tracked and concentrate on finding the little girl.
    Maybe Scotch Mist should try and learn grammar and spelling before criticising other people!

    That way people might take it more seriously.
    It's sort of a catch-22.

    If the newspapers claim that the abduction theory is just a theory, the only other solution is that the parents were involved, thus they will have commited libel again and would have to give the McCanns the money back. You could be going round in circles like that forever. If she does turn out to have been ';murdered'; or whatever by her parents then I have no doubt the rags will be in court like a shot for a refund.

    Good question though.

    *EDIT* Fair point, I'd be lying if I professed to know all the ins-and-outs of the case anyway. Put it this way then, unless the papers ever get unequivical evidence that the McCanns have killed their little girl... they will never make a move to reclaim money - purely for the fact that by doing so they would anger the majority of peope who DO think she was abducted, alienate many of their readers and risk their papers being boycotted. It's simply not worth the trouble for them :-)
    give it a rest,surely thiers more to you're life than the maccans?

    amon, if i want you're opinion,

    i'll give it to you.
    I think we should just ignore these reptiles and concentrate on the hunt for Maddeleine.

    Am I the only nerd on here that reports false representation?

    I've now seen a couple cases of people claiming to be vets in their answers who CLEARLY are not. I find this to be very sever and fraudulent. Not to mention dangerous. Am I the only one? Do other people report them, or am I wasting my time?

    The same goes for foolish, inappropriate, or inflammatory questions. I see people answering them and I have to wonder why they just didn't report them.Am I the only nerd on here that reports false representation?
    You aren't wrong to report these type of questions or answers. You are right that claiming to be a vet when a person has no animal medical experience can be dangerous.

    But to answer your question, no...I don't do a lot of reporting. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've reported...and they have been statements that I felt put people's well being at severe risk, particularly when I know that teens visit this site.Am I the only nerd on here that reports false representation?
    I think too much crap gets reported, personally- Y!A says they want the experience to be ';enjoyable';, but trolls support any ';fun'; questions.

    I figure if you're going to ask a question, it's up to you to be responsible enough to evaluate your answers, and continue to do your OWN research- Sort of ';buyer beware'; If some yaywho wants to pass themselves off as vet but can't spell it (or chihuahua)- then any idiot who believes they are legit has some serious issues!
    I think this question is more of a rant than a question.

    Maybe I should report it.

    My opinion is that people should only report reallly serious offenses because the YA people have enough to do %26amp; people should be mature enough to settle things by themselves without mama...
    I very rarely report posts.. and only if there is something really bad or dangerous in it.. as for false representation .. HOW do you know for sure unless you know them? You cannot prove it..

    I try to give people the benefit of the doubt.. (and most posts I notice on here are from people saying they are vet techs.. not vets)
    I think you should relax and stop spending so much time worrying about this. Anyone dumb enough to take medical advice from a stranger on the internet deserves to be left to fend for themselves anyways. Get another hobby! ;)
    I have found that people get really nasty.

    Someone called me a propogandist for not feeding my rabbits processed pellets.

    People on here are just ignorant and grumpy.
    I only report stuff that is really sick and clearly illegal.

    What happens if I get a ticket for false representation of age in Atlanta, GA?

    I received a ticket in GA for usings my friends id to get in the club. When I got the ticket that night the officer told me that I either pay it or if I dont i have to show up to court on the date thats on the ticket. So I called to apy my ticket and it said that I this citation requires a mandatory court appearance.I live all the way in Boston, Im working and I am about to start school. What can possibly happen?What happens if I get a ticket for false representation of age in Atlanta, GA?
    if you show up - slap on the wrist, maybe a fine

    if you don't show there will be a warrant for your arrestWhat happens if I get a ticket for false representation of age in Atlanta, GA?
    You will have a bench warrant filed against you if you don't show. Tou canhire an attorney in GA to handle the case for you, but not cheap.

    I have been charged with 3 counts of Fraud by false representation?

    On Thursday I was finally charged after months of being re bailed.

    I was working as a sales man at a local company. With the credit Crunch well underway, and just after having taken on a new home we were finding things rather tight financially, we also have to young children.

    I had a friend who runs a similar company, and a approached him to sell his products and earm a commission, which i thought was all above board.

    Where I am told now I went wrong is I sold to my employer, making a personal gain. In total over three invoices I made a personal gain of 拢1200, but when this was found out and I resigned from the company my final months salary was stopped totalling 拢1500.

    I am due to appear in Magistrates court in a few weeks (just befor christmas), what is likley to happen, would i go to prison?I have been charged with 3 counts of Fraud by false representation?
    This previous answer on YA regarding fraud can serve as an indicator to mimimum and maximum sentences for fraud:鈥?/a>

    Although things will be specific to your case. I'm not sure from your description as to what the actual fraud was, you were buying from a friend and selling to your company?I have been charged with 3 counts of Fraud by false representation?
    Only your solicitor will know the answer to this. The full circumstances and many other factors need to be taken into account, including any previous convictions.

    If you don't have a solicitor you need to get one asap, or ask to see the duty solicitor when you arrive at court. If you do this, then the solicitor will ask for an adjournment to allow time to consider the charges and then advise you properly.

    Good luck.
    No previous convictions? Family man? Pleading guilty? Suspended sentence.

    Edit: You betrayed your employer, and the courts do not like that. With a decent solicitor you'll get a light sentence - certainly not prison. You've lost your job and you'll find it hard to get another one. That will probably be punishment enough.
    hi i really wouldn't worry for your 1st offence, if you get a 拢100 fine feel hard done by! just hit your solicitor with a hard luck story, he'll tell it to the Magistrate, you sit there looking sorry and your out the door goodluck and merry xmas
    The Magistrates will most probably refer it to the Crown Court and it will depend what sort of a mood the Judge is in, but Courts take a dim view of fraud. You may get a prison sentence, but it could be suspended.
    There is no maximum sentence for fraud, For a sum as small as 拢1200 you will probably be ordered to do community service and repay the 拢1200.
  • good myspace
  • Why people make use of false representation,in search of true friends on such social sites?

    They obviously don't like themselves the way they are, and feel that they could ';be'; whoever they want to be online and get away with it, cuz who would know? But, the truth will eventuall come out one day, anyway. Lies can't last forever, they're too hard to remember!Why people make use of false representation,in search of true friends on such social sites?
    may be to c who is such a tru friend who may accept even the fallacious representations!Why people make use of false representation,in search of true friends on such social sites?
    bcoz they need ur fredship...!!!
    Such people are insecure and have the inferiority complex. They are not comfortable with their true identity such people are not honest and can never be true friend to any one.
    go with bold!
    Just a step to take care of themselves as the other person is unknown.But many fail in getting true friend by this method.
    The FBI does it because they are too lazy to get a real job

    Fruad by False Representation?

    i am on bail for fruad by false representaion, let me tell you how, basically i wanted to purchase an audio system from a electrical store, however it was my only day off in the week and my wages was to come the next day i was short of money so i askd my friend if he can borrow me some money (who has borrowed me money in the past) however he was at work quite far away but was willing to pay with his credit card,

    i askd the owner of the shop if my friend can pay on my behalf with hes credit card he said it is ok and that my friend would have to come into the store and show the card. the manager then took the payment from my friend over the phone and took down hes contact details as well as my mobile number, everything was ok until 1 week later when i got a call to go to the store,the manager tells me that the payment was fraudulant and he calld the police and explained what happend how my friend payed for this item over the fone, next thing i know am in cuffs and in a cell for over 8 hours, i got interviewd and explained to them what happend they askd me who made the payment i told them it was my friend and gave hes details, they then let me go on bail and told me return to the station next month.

    when i got out of the cell i calld up my friend but he said he dont know what they are talkin about and that its hes card but he couldnt come down caus he is busy and i really dont know what is goin on what do you think they will say to me and what could happen?

    at the time of the interview they askd me if i wanted a solicitor by i said no, do you think that was a bad idea will i need one?

    i am 16 yrs old and this is my 1st time i eva got into any trouble

    please help and get back to me asap

    thanksFruad by False Representation?
    theft by deception

    pretty stupid store no store any where near where i live does over the phone payment

    get a lawyer your gonna need one

    Why do so many Christians overlook the fact that the bible is a blatant false representation of the universe?

    The universe is far older than 6000 years, mankind did not originate from a Caucasian couple, snakes and donkey’s do not talk and when a person dies, they do not come back to life, to name but a fraction a the bibles falsities. A book, a doctrine, a way of life, a dominator of human consciousness, a dominator of freakin humanity itself, is a false representation! Sorry, I’m just very passionate about this. It’s not possible to not be aware of this, so why do they still insist that it is the inspired word of God? Why would God inspire a false representation of reality?Why do so many Christians overlook the fact that the bible is a blatant false representation of the universe?
    The people that believe all of the stuff you listed also believe that science and higher education is a satanic conspiracy to lead people away from god... They are delusional.Why do so many Christians overlook the fact that the bible is a blatant false representation of the universe?
    I disagree and the reason I disagree is because you are making several statements that are blatantly false or you are simply misinformed about the contents of the Bible.

    Only those people who use the generational numbers in the Bible state that the universe is only 6000 or so years old..... Could it be perhaps that Adam and Eve were the first homo-sapians that God chose to have a relationship with?...perhaps it was not until they came along that man had the intelligence to even have a relationship with God and even then, Adam and Eve would have had to be almost dumber than a rock as far as scientific knowledge.

    Also, nowhere in the Bible does it state that Adam and Eve were caucasian. Some of ';mans'; paintings have interpreted the Bible in this way...but without justification from the Bible itself. (You will note that the paintings of Jesus show him as being a fair skinned, fair haired individual. We know that people born native to the middle east do not fall into that catagory, yet there it is in all it colored glory)

    Third, a snake does not talk...but Satan (being an angel) is capable of changing his appearance to anything he why not a snake or a serpent?

    And unless you have died or you have known someone that has died and returned to earth, how can you possible expect us to believe the statement that people do not come back to life.....simply because you say so? People who have been clinically dead often tell a different story. They speak of a different place...a place of light etc. Yes I am aware that many believe that the brain is simply reacting to a lack of oxygen, but some of the reportings can not be explained in that way...and medical science admittedly states that they do not understand some of the things that have happened.

    Keep in mind that even though it is believed by many that the Bible is the inspired word of God, man actually wrote the words...and man has done the interpretation based on man's limited knowledge.

    Let me give you another possible scenario:

    Let's look at the creation story from a different perspective should we?

    Take the first verse of Genesis...';In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was void and without form, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.';

    What if that verse alone was the concept that God gave to early man? Wouldn't it make sense that he would keep his explanation simple? After all, if you were Albert Einstein attempting to explain the theory of relativity to an infant, wouldn't you simplify it for them?

    Doesn't that brief explanation come extremely close to what science says? Even before there was light, the earth was forming..yet it was still formless. Formless means not to be solid..i.e. gaseous or a cloud of dust or whatever. Void means no nothing. The deep is man's word for the oceans or for deep water...and it says that the spirit of God houvered over the water. If I am not mistaken, I think science agrees that before man or animals came into being that the earth was at some point gaseous, then solid, then completely covered with water....with no land masses showing.

    As to the six day time frame, why would God use time to describe what he did? He does not require it as to him time means nothing. So why did he use the concept of a day when he spoke of what was created? Again, simply because man could not possibly have understood the concept of millions or billions of years...In those days, numbers had not even been invented yet so the concept of such a great passing of time would have been impossible for man to comprehend. So man had to have a reference point that he already knew...thus, a day...a morning and an evening...light and darkness etc. That is the only concept that could have been understood by early homosapiens.

    Then, the expanse above the water and below the water were seperated. Above the water came our atmosphere...below was the land.

    Then God brought forth the land masses. (So far, I think science agrees with this)

    The Bible clearly states that the first living creatures lived in the sea and the air.

    I believe science tells us that biological life began in the seas does it not? And, in time, birds came next as I recall...etc.

    It is only man's interpretation of the concepts put forth by God that caused believers and non-believers to be at each other's throats over the creation issue.

    Religious people believe that to agree that perhaps billions of years passed rather than six days during which the various changes occured is ';against their beliefs'; because of the literal translation put on the words. They often feel that it puts limitations on God's power to accept that it may have taken billions of years from beginning to end....but I disagree.

    I have a personal relationship with God and therefore know that he exists...and I also know that if he had chosen to create everything in a nano-second he could have done so. But, why would it matter to Him how long it took. A million years would be like a single grain of sand on an endless beach...totally insignificant.

    Your last question is why would God inspire a false representation of reality? The answer...because it was the only way that man could understand.

    This same explanation could be used to explain some of the other stories or events in those early writings. God did not inpire the word to please Himself...or to entertain himself. He inspired it so man might somehow grasp who he was...the creator of all things...including them.

    I am not saying that my interpretation is the correct one...but I just wanted to show you how easy it would be to interpret the Bible differently. So don't be so tough on us okay?
    Answer my question then, why do non believers think that all Christians believe that the Bible is word for word accurate, the truth in the Bible is not the stories of Noah, of Adam and Eve, they are just that stories with the message of salvation and of God's mercy in them. A story that ends with Christs resurrection and His promise to return to take us, those who love and serve Him (God) and love each other as He has loved us, enough to die for you and I. That is the truth in the Bible. That is what is believed by the majority of Christians and theologians. It is sad to me that people like yourself think they have all the answers when in reality no one does. Only the creator and those existed before out time.

    God keep you always
    Because ';scholars'; have been able to come up with excuses for every fallacy. I am actually amazed at how well they do it. Well... you know what they say, ';practice makes perfect!';
    Some do, but I haven't. Thanks and good luck with your passion.
    I don't know why do they tell the children that Santa Claus comes down through the chimney ?
    The Bible is not concerned with science, but with the LORD JEsus Christ and how we can attain salvation through him! This world is passing, while the world to come is forever! God bless you!
    ';The universe is far older than 6000 years';

    And you can prove this how? It may well be since the Bible does not give a date for the age of the universe. But, through the use of the genealogies in the Scriptures, a date of around 6000 years has been given for the age of the earth. Of course the alternate view is based on faulty human reasoning based on a geological column which was put forth by Charles Lyell, which was never observed nor tested, and led to faulty dating

    methods that fail and give false readings. Of course, you also have the circular reasoning of dating fossils with rocks and rocks with fossils.

    ';mankind did not originate from a Caucasian couple';

    The Bible never claims this. Most likely, since the garden of Eden was probably in the area near or around Iraq, they were probably what we know as Middle Eastern.

    ';snakes and donkey’s do not talk';

    Have you encountered every snake and every donkey that ever existed? Then you can not make this statement. You may not believe it, but you cannot say that it never happened.

    ';when a person dies, they do not come back to life,';

    Again, unless you have encountered every human who ever existed since creation, you cannot make this definite statement. It is your belief only.

    The Bible is the word of God and does not contain ';falsities'; as you put it. You may not believe in supernatural occurrences, but that is your belief, or lack of it. Simply because you don't believe in something, does not mean it is not valid or true. You are not the arbitar of what is truth, and what is not. Plus, you don't present very challenging arguments either.
    The first six books of the bible are an incoherent jumbling of different tellings of the same story.
    Because some people truly believe. They are just as passionate about their belief as you are about your disbelief.
    How should God get your attention ? Think about for a couple of minutes !!!
    Number one...

    The burden of proof is on you to show that the universe is far older than 6000 years old.


    The Bible never says that mankind originated from a Caucasian couple...

    Thirdly...there is a lot of historical backing to prove the Bible is true. If you choose to ignore it, that's wouldn't surprise me. If not, feel free to message me, I'd love to show you it...
    Because they believe and have faith in the Bible.....and that's enough for them.
    Its hard for people to come to terms with the truth.
    You ask a question stating your belief as a fact. It's not fact. Your beliefs are built on supposition. No scientist will say it's fact. And that is why many do not believe as you do. Inspired written word comes when God told the men to write it. It was witnessed and then it was written about. Nothing or no one has been able find error with God yet. All the science and technology we see and this old book called the Bible still stands above all of them. No one has ever gone astray following the teachings of Christ. There is not another whose teachings even come close. None.
    Where does the Bible say the earth is 6000 years old? Sorry I just can't find that in the bible.
    Ok, Christians don't overlook these things. they accept what the bible tells them, it's different.

    1. no one knows how old the earth is. Some Christians say 6000 because they use the bible's numbers, add them and that's where they get the number... Other Christians say more, some probably don't really care. (b/c it's not THAT important)

    2. I don't know why you think Adam and Eve where white. just because loads of white painters paint them white... In my best educated conclusion they were like mocha in color. (doesn't' matter though, because all races come after the flood).

    3. That snake wasn't a snake, it was satin in the form of a snake (serpent) I imagine it to be quite enormous, like a boa or python. (not that it matters) and Balaam's Donkey didn't talk all the time... just when it was avoiding an angel of God ~read numbers 22.

    4. Jesus died and rose from the dead. He also rose others from the dead... so did a few of his disciples.

    Why do you think you have the true sense of reality? Who told you how old the universe was? Who told you where people came from? Why do you believe them?
    get your facts straight sister... christian believe the earth is million of years old ..stop talking out the side of your neck .....I'm sorry for you cause someone has twisted your mind up...dinosaur roam the earth (in the first earth age ) we now are in the second earth age which dates back 6to 7 thousand years the third and final earth age is coming with your belief you will not have a part in it .....
    And you were there for all of those events so you would know for an absolute fact what is or isnt true in the bible right? Lets clear a few things up first...

    Man did NOT originate from a caucasion couple, we wouldnt have all the races we do if they were both white. The snake didnt actually talk, the Devil was playing it for a puppet for the sake of deceiving Eve without making himself known to her, obviously, because snakes don't talk and the only person to benefit from such a fraud is the Devil.

    If a doctor in an emergency room can make someone who's flatlined come back to life, I'm thinking the Son of God the creator might have a shot at doing so.

    As far as the creation of the universe, it doesnt say the universe is only 6000 years old. In Genesis it says that in the beginning, the earth was a formless waste and that the universe was an expanse. It doesnt say how long it was in that condition for. What it does actually say in Genesis:

    1 In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

    2 Now the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of [the] watery deep; and God’s active force was moving to and fro over the surface of the waters.

    3 And God proceeded to say: “Let light come to be.” Then there came to be light. 4 After that God saw that the light was good, and God brought about a division between the light and the darkness. 5 And God began calling the light Day, but the darkness he called Night. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a first day.

    The first day of creation didnt start until AFTER the earth and universe had been created for who knows HOW long.

    You should get your biblical facts straight first before spouting off about a book youve obviously never really studied or read. Stop basing the bible on Christians and try it the other way around.
    You have your beliefs; we have ours. Simple.
    i recommend you read the Quran, it will help you understand where the Bible comes from and wat its meant to say...maybe then you wont have cause to dislike it so much
    The Bible does not say that the universe is only 6000 years old. God does perform miracles. I've experienced many myself.

    We live in a democracy which is based on the myth of the social contract. We give up some of our personal freedoms in exchange for protection of our rights. In such an environment, as Karen Armstrong says in ';A Short History of Myth';, mythology began when homo sapiens became homo necans, man the killer. In 2 Timothy 4:3-5, myth is shown as being taught by ';many teachers'; to those who have itchy ears. The teachers are ';gathered around'; or ';heaped up'; (a word derived from a word that means ';burial urn';). In this environment, the information that gets through to a nonChristian is of such a variety as to excuse sin and even turn it into a propensity for international murder/war.

    The media and entertainment industry along with false Christians, of which there are many, works to suppress each occasion of a genuine miracle. I've seen it myself. I've been killed at least twice already.
    because not everyone agrees with you and each has their right to their own opinion and choice of afterlife :)
    Why would God inspire a false representation of reality? Because he can.
    I guess the part that would go against fact, they'd say is meant to be understood as a spiritual metaphor.
    They can't handle the truth. Rock on.

    Sentencing- fraud by false representation 拢20000?

    my partner signed his wife's name on a loan they took out in 2007 she was aware of the loan and it even paid off her credit card and paid for there holiday. due to the loan being secured against the house and her wanting to sell the house and receive all the proceeds she has claimed she new nothing about the money. he is due in court on monday and has already pleaded guilty to signing her name but is still claiming he signed it with her permission. Just wondering if anyone had a rough idea of what sentence he is looking at?Sentencing- fraud by false representation 拢20000?
    It sounds like he has a defence to be honest. If he had her permission then he hasn't committed a fraud (look at section 2(2) of the Fraud Act 2006). If he is still saying she had given permission, he is entering an equivocal plea and unless he accepts the offence, the Judge may well refuse to sentence him until the issue is resolved, either by full admission or Newton hearing (trial of issue).

    He'll no doubt be advised about this tomorrow.

    (I think he'd qualify for a suspended sentence by the way.)Sentencing- fraud by false representation 拢20000?
    This being the UK it is rather difficult to predict, however, taking a guilty plea in consideration and assuming a first offence, 18 months to two years in prison is most likely.

    Whether or not his wife knew, gave permission or even if she was only complicit after the fact is completely irrelevant, as is whether or not the loan is actually paid off. The Fraud was committed the moment he falsely signed his wife's name, to which he has pleaded guilty. Unless he signed his wife's name in his own handwriting he should have denied everything and said nothing more.
    Under the Fraud act of 2006 a person who is guilty of fraud is liable鈥?br>

    (a) on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum (or to both);

    (b) on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years or to a fine (or to both).

    However as she knew of the loan that would work for him Under the Misrepresentation Act 1967, the other party could rescind the contract, OR damages could be awarded in lieu of rescission.

    Isn't false representation of who you are a sin?

    c'mon you know that none of the people who are ';cool'; on yahoo answers have anything resembling social skills in the real world. I'm thinking they're like this:鈥?/a>Isn't false representation of who you are a sin?
    that would be deceit, so if I believed in your form of 'sins', yes, I would say that it is.

    however what you're doing, passing judgement on a large group of people would also be a form of 'sin'.Isn't false representation of who you are a sin?
    Sin is a religious term. So, no.

    I'll be the first to admit that. I'm a wallflower, but the people that actually make me come out of my shell have been my friends for the longest times, and I'd rather have a few friends for a long time than being popular for a short time
    So how does this make what they say false representation?
    Funny vid.

    But, I really look like this, dude.

    And I really have a cool job too!
    Confession time.

    I don't really look like my avatar. (I'm sure you're all disappointed.)

    Oh, and I'm not the President of the JP II Fan Club. I don't even know if there is a JP II Fan Club.

    Whew! I feel better.

    What is ';theft-false representation?

    a friend of mine awhile ago wrote a bad check it looks like and her first charge was theft-false representation but then it got amended to county worthless check. so my question is what does that mean..theft-false representation?What is ';theft-false representation?
    The more common term is ';Theft by false pretenses.';

    It is where a person gains property of another as a result of a material misrepresentation of fact.

    A good example: You go to the welfare office. You state that you have three kids (in reality, you have none). You receive an extra $500 because you have three kids. That would be theft of $500 by false pretenses.What is ';theft-false representation?
    when you steal something by getting someone to give it to you because they think you are someone else, or you have fooled them in some other way (like selling them a box of rocks that is supposed to be a tv)
  • good myspace
  • Where you fooled by Obamas false representation of change & religon?

    If so would you like to change your vote for him at this point if possible? or would it be if you could get a membership to Obamas fine Church %26amp; be a real member of the real FOR CHANGE!!!!Where you fooled by Obamas false representation of change %26amp; religon?
    in the very beginning I was like most very impressed with him but then I saw him and his wife in a interview and that changed my mind. cant go into detail because the reporters are going crazy with the report buttonWhere you fooled by Obamas false representation of change %26amp; religon?
    Obama has been a practicing Christian for 20 years. That's not my beleif but it doesn't influence my choice.

    I'm voting for him in April (PA primary) and in November!

    Obama 2008
    no, he didn't need to ';fool'; me, he meant what he said.

    It's a shame Hillary can't be so sincere.
    Obama's numbers are up! People who think the spin-of-the-day and pundit talk about non-issues have hurt him are mistaken! He's winning! Americans are becoming numb to political punditry. If you hear something repeated all day long by the same side, it's probably just the spin-of-the-day. Don't be fooled. Let's talk issues now.
    Nope - I knew he was all fluff (and probably worse) from the moment I 1st heard him! He is a fraud and is THE MAN OF MANY HIDDEN AGENDAS!
    I tmust be hard to argue AGAINST something so fundamentally good.
    Utterly, and what do you mean by politicians representing anything falsely, anyway?
    No when I started doing research and saw his views on abortion. I knew then I could never vote for such a heartless person..If you can kill a baby, what else will you do.?
    What are you talking about?

    Obama who???
    I am not a Christian, but Obama is sincere in his faith. He didn't ';find God'; as he was told by his family to enter into politics unlike some other politicians I can think of. (I'm looking at you W. )

    You do not have to agree with everything someone says to attend a church. He has strong communities ties within the church and I think it should just be left alone.

    No one is mentioning that Former President Clinton and their daughter Chelsea went to a Sunday service at Lakewood church here in Houston 2 days before the Texas primaries.

    IMO, Lakewood is a frighting place and I would think candidates %26amp; their families would want to stay as far away from that place as possible. They do not have any ties to the Lakewood ';family';, so there is no reason to go there. Again, just my opinion.

    No, I would not change my vote for him, nor would I want to be a member of his church.
    It is to laugh. We've had a buffoon in the White House for eight years. His latest attempt at public speech had him waxing wistful and envious of the front line troops in Afghanistan, commenting that their lives must be ';romantic';. Poor George. I wish him all the romance he can handle. Meanwhile, you're ready to trash Obama for a couple of sound bites taken out of context, not from Obama himself but from his pastor. Something tells me you were never an Obama fan. Hillary? McCain? Limbaugh? Which are you? Will you miss having a President who's dumber than you?
    Apparently race will always be a problem in this country...

    People need to stop trying to twist everything that Obama says and just LISTEN.

    People also need to stop acting like they've never heard racist comments [ITS NOT NEW]

    Whoever wins, good luck running this country!

    But I support Obama because there needs to be a better symbol of diversity in this country.

    FYI: Obama is not the pastor who said the racist comments... I don't know why people are blaming it on Obama!
    Seems like change is hunting down the evil White people sounds like a genocide kind of change I do not want.
    ';Obama has been a practicing Christian for 20 years ';

    and he STILL doesn't have it right after 20 years
    Obama has ties to Islam. He was raised in Indonesia the largest Muslim community in the world. Twenty years of political jobs and he attends a church during those years. We can not judge him, but should we trust him?
    not from day one
    I was never fooled anywhere, I believe in Obama and his message. I couldn't be happier that I voted for him, and he won my state.

    If I could go to a service at Obama's church, I would, just to see the full story instead of listening to some soundbites. I like to judge these things for myself.

    But why do you want to know where I was fooled?

    What is ';real Islam'; and what is a false representation of what is has become today?

    Real Islam is accepting that there is only one God and that he has power over EVERYTHING, it means peace, it means modesty, humility, it basically means all the good aspects in the world combined. Islam teaches that Allah encompasses everything and that he is always Almighty, Beneficent, and Merciful.

    A false representation of Islam is Islamic extremists (terrorists) and all the harm they are causing to the world. They must be out of their minds, because what they are doing, it's nowhere NEAR Islam.

    This was a good question to ask, btw. I hope this helped!What is ';real Islam'; and what is a false representation of what is has become today?
    You have hit the nail on the head.

    We are being told two versions of the so called truth.

    It is about time that the muslims sort themselves out and get their story straight.

    I know which one I believe. It is the nasty one.

    Muslims are permitted to lie to unbelievers to defeat them.

    The two forms are

    1. Takiyya - saying something that is not true

    2. Kitman - lying by omission.

    In a court of law it would be called a conspiracy and all would be guilty.What is ';real Islam'; and what is a false representation of what is has become today?
    Real islam is verrrrry simple. La ilaha illa allah Muhammad rasuul allah (There is no god but allah and Muhammad is his messenger) The false interpretation of islam is one word... terrorism. Its so funny to me how a couple of tv stations can fool a whole nation. On the other hand ';modern'; islam is also wrong.
    Basically the five pillars of Islam....

    Shahada - witnessing there is no other God and Mohammed is the messenger

    Sawm - fasting, this challenge is checking your patience towards God and others, to know how it feels like for some people who cannot afford to eat a peace of bread.

    Zakat - giving charity to the poor and needy

    Salat - worshipping Allah, we favour him as he favours us

    Hajj - unless you cannot afford it, you have to make a pilgrimage to Hajj. Its really nice especially when your looking for a religious spirituality. You pray above Mount Arafat, and this lets you think, and if you pray in mount arafat all your sins are forgiven. And when you go there, there are all different cultures blacks, whites, chinese, indian, pakistanis, iranian, turkish, american, english, african. All types, and some people say people can never get on?

    However the role of Islam is not going to America and bombing innocents but instead bombing the troops in Iraq whom are killing my family and people.
    There is only one allah... allah has given his law in the form of the koran... there is only one koran... ALL who are in submission to allah and his law are islam... there is only one islam... ALL who are of islam are called muslims... ALL muslims must obey, absolutely and with out exception, the law of allah as it is given in the koran... if they do not they are not of islam and are not in submission to allah.... there is no such thing as a ';moderate'; muslim... or any other kind of muslim... only those who obey the law of allah as it is in the koran are exceptions
    ';Real Islam'; is non-violent...

    Fundamentalists ruin its name.
    Zensunni is a syncretic religious belief combining principles of Zen Buddhism and Sunni Islam. In the fictional far future of human civilization portrayed in the series, various ethnic and political groups adhere to this worldview, including the Fremen, originally the ';Zensunni Wanderers.';

    In Terminology of the Imperium (the glossary of the novel Dune), Frank Herbert provides the following definition:

    ZENSUNNI: followers of a schismatic sect that broke away from the teachings of Maometh (the so-called ';Third Muhammed';) about 1381 B.G. The Zensunni religion is noted chiefly for its emphasis on the mystical and a reversion to ';the ways of the fathers.'; Most scholars name Ali Ben Ohashi as leader of the original schism but there is some evidence that Ohashi may have been merely the male spokesman for his second wife, Nisai.

    According to Terminology of the Imperium, the planet Poritrin is ';considered by many Zensunni Wanderers as their planet of origin, although clues in their language and mythology show far more ancient planetary roots.';[2] The former Imperial capital (and later prison world) Salusa Secundus was ';the second stopping point in migrations of the Wandering Zensunni. Fremen tradition says they were slaves on S.S. for nine generations.';[3] The ';third stopping place'; is noted as Bela Tegeuse,[4] and Harmonthep was the ';sixth stop.';[5]

    The ascension of Paul Atreides as Emperor in Dune and the expansion of Fremen influence throughout the Imperium widely popularized the study of Zensunni beliefs. It is noted in Terminology of the Imperium that the Orange Catholic Bible ';contains elements of most ancient religions, including ... Zensunni Catholicism.'; [1]

    Herbert ';sprinkled Zen ideas throughout Dune,'; as when Reverend Mother Mohiam queries Paul: [6]

    ';Ever sift sand through a screen?'; she asked.

    The tangential slash of her question shocked his mind into a higher awareness: Sand through a screen, he nodded.

    ';We Bene Gesserit sift people to find the humans.';

    This is a Zen kōan, or a story, dialogue, question, or statement ';that sounds like gibberish, but also like it might be incredibly profound, provided you think about it long enough.';[6] A kōan generally contains aspects that are inaccessible to rational understanding, yet may be accessible to intuition. Zen masters ';developed this trick to 'open up' the mind of their students without filling it with their own opinions.'; [6] Herbert himself noted in ';Dune Genesis,'; his own analysis of the development of the novel, that ';As in an Escher lithograph, I involved myself with recurrent themes that turn into paradox. The central paradox concerns the human vision of time. What about Paul's gift of prescience — the Presbyterian fixation? For the Delphic Oracle to perform, it must tangle itself in a web of predestination. Yet predestination negates surprises and, in fact, sets up a mathematically enclosed universe whose limits are always inconsistent, always encountering the unprovable. It's like a kōan, a Zen mind breaker.'; [7]

    In the Brian Herbert/Kevin J. Anderson Legends of Dune prequel trilogy, before and during the Butlerian Jihad the Zensunnis were brought as slaves from their homeworlds (like Harmonthep) to places like Poritrin. After the slave revolt on Poritrin, many Zensunnis escaped to Arrakis; these Zensunni wanderers would become the first Fremen.

    Terminology of the Imperium also defines several Zensunni terms:

    AULIYA: In the Zensunni Wanderers' religion, the female at the left hand of God; God's handmaiden.

    FIQH: knowledge, religious law; one of the half-legendary origins of the Zensunni Wanderers' religion.

    ILM: theology; science of religious tradition; one of the half-legendary origins of the Zensunni Wanderers' faith.

    MISR: the historical Zensunni(Fremen) term for themselves: ';The People.';

    SHAH-NAMA: the half-legendary First Book of the Zensunni Wanderers.

    ULEMA: a Zensunni doctor of theology.

    What is a film that creates a false representation of reality?

    ALL films do that. ';ALL'; films. Don't ever kid yourself. There is no such thing as a 100% accurate film, not even documentaries on the Discovery Channel, History Channel, etc. Therefore they all give a false representation of reality, even if only slightly. They are all manipulated to some degree or another to ';make money'; and appeal to an audience. The truth will either be stretched to some degree or another, or reduced for ';effect';.

    Take my word for it. I've been in the business for over 35 years and I know.What is a film that creates a false representation of reality?
    Mostly all movies but my fav was The Blaire Witch Prodject.What is a film that creates a false representation of reality?
    Usual Suspects is one of the best....

    Fight Club too!

    Hey Guys I want to sue twilight for false representation of can I do this?

    Twilight has ruined the real representation of Vampires vampires cannot run fast (I would know) and wtf was up with that retarded love story bulls***

    anyways I think its slander towards the real vampires like dracula (and myself) that walked the earth and I want to sue them and win!Hey Guys I want to sue twilight for false representation of can I do this?
    Go for it!!! I totally agree with you. Twilight is utter trash and should be banned from society!!!Hey Guys I want to sue twilight for false representation of can I do this?
    Unfortunately, if you win your case, you will have proved to the world that vampires are real. Every government and religious organisation on the planet will then be gunning for your species, and all those kids who've watched Buffy and Blade a bit too much will be out staking anyone without a sun-tan.
    get together and start a class action suit.

    I'm sure you know some lawyers

    (My brother swears his ex wife's lawyer is a bloodsucking ..etc..)

    the only problem is your case will be tossed out of court for non appearance of witnesses. I do not think you would survive to testify

    court is held in broad daylight, you would have to touch a bible etc.

    and i'm sure the other side is going to have garlic at every meal and breath all over you.
    good luck you have my vote

    Which two of the following statements about analogue and digital representation are false?

    Choose two options from below and mark the appropriate cells in row 6

    A An analogue representation is a direct counterpart of the original information from the real world.

    B In digital representations, codes are used to represent the original


    Digital codes can only be used to represent certain types of


    D Almost all analogue signals vary continuously over a given range.

    E An electrical 鈥榓nalogue鈥?shows the same variation as the original sound wave.

    F Digital codes use a limited set of symbols to represent the original information.

    G Analogue representations of sound use a limited set of values within a range.Which two of the following statements about analogue and digital representation are false?
    How about you stop cheating with your OU CMA test.

    You will be reported

    What is the maximum punishment for anybody who has done first time the fraud of false representation?

    he appeared to give car theory test at someone else' place and was caught.What is the maximum punishment for anybody who has done first time the fraud of false representation?
    Criminal laws are set by individual states and nations, so we do need to know where you are from to properly answer this question. It is also important to know if this is a true first offense or if you means it is the first time this particular crime was committed by the offender. (Your question can be read 2 different ways in that regard. For the purpose of this answer, I'll assume you committed the crime). If it's a true first offense, it is likely you will be given probation and sent to a first offenders' program. If not, a likely sentence would consider aggravating or mitigating circumstances. We would like to help you, but your question is too vague. If you were arrested, you will get credit for any jail time you served before you were released. Your age could also be a relevant factor.What is the maximum punishment for anybody who has done first time the fraud of false representation?
    The penalty for fraud varies both by the jurisdiction and usually, the degree of the crime. So, without knowing the specific location and the dollar value of the fraud, it would be impossible to come up with a maximum.
  • good myspace
  • Who do I go to now that money been stolen from my bank account via false representation in e-mail here?

    I was sent an e-mail via email from the uk. I know, I know, I shouldn't have done what I done. Hope I didn't do anything illegial. They wanted me to open a bank account for them to collect money from others here in the states. Said it was to pay for merchendise ordered or something like that. I have saved all correspondence from them. I'm sure you can trace mine. Now that check was sent and found fraud. I now out of my money from the account. Plus the 10% they promised me for doing this. I am a single mom and cant afford this to happen. Now what do I do?Who do I go to now that money been stolen from my bank account via false representation in e-mail here?
    You are an idiot. Suck it up and don't be so damn greedy.Who do I go to now that money been stolen from my bank account via false representation in e-mail here?
    Only thing I can tell you is to talk to the bank. If they can not help you talk to the police
    I suggest you start with your bank. The bank will know exactly who to contact for this. They will look at you and think unkind thoughts about your intelligence. Be prepared for this.

    This is unfortunate. What's done is done. All of that correspondence is likely ALL faked. The people who did this are long gone and likely doing it again to someone else in a different place. I'll bet this was an international thing as well, which makes it even harder to find the culprits let alone prosecute them.

    Please don't shoot te messenger...
    Unfortunately, you are responsible for the money and it is not unheard of for the sucker to be arrested and prosecuted.

    It wasn't ';stolen'; from your account. You participated in a fraud and you will have to pay the bank back every cent.

    It may have been unknowingly, and for your sake I hope you can prove it. Just yesterday I was reading about a guy who did the exact same thing you did. He was arrested and prosecuted. It cost him $14,000 to get out of the legal mess he got himself into PLUS he had to pay the bank back every cent.

    You aren't ';out 10%'; either. You don't get a commission for participating in a crime.
    The best that you can do is go to your local police department. Chances are they can't catch whoever did this, but maybe? Sorry about your loss, but it's a lesson learned. Good luck!!
    Though tracing internet fraud can be difficult, you may like to go to nearby police station to report the matter with back up you have. Best of luck.
    You need to contact your bank's fraud prevention group and enlist their help.

    You need to talk to an attorney.

    You need to contact Yahoo.
    go to the bank explain what happened... go to the police... and let them know too.. Close the account and reopen another, this way any attempt to collect further money will be discouraged... I feel for you... Learn your lesson, never trust any stranger who wants to give you money especially if they ask personal info .. ... like name, SS# , family size, bank account... and especially if you never met them...

    Crap happens. And in the future don't deposit any money into your bank account, cash the check rather... I believe Western Union has a cashing checks service, and they will tell you straight up if there's money in that account... I know this cuz I worked for a guy in CHicago that had a bakery business and he wrote bad checks... I had to go for weeks with every check to get some money... Geez, that was annoying... But someone told me ';do not deposit checks from this guy, he writes checks and doesn't have money in the bank, to cover for it. I literally had to be at the bank every day.. in hopes some money will actually get into his account and I will get paid... Guess how long I lasted there? Not much... few months... and I was pregnant and my husband just lost his job, due to downsizing... Pretty scarry but we lived through it... You'll survive, and do better next time.

    Anything with ';international'; in it, stay away from... USA has the best tracking system for fraud on the internet, but don't have jurisdiction outside its borders at least not all that much...

    I once got this piece of paper in the mail that I have won $100 million on some international lottery... And they gave me a phone no.. to contact... I was curious who the heck has my address and who played internet lotto in my name.. I called the phone service, and asked if that was a real number, and if I was going to be charged $100 milion for the call itself or what... You never know... They said that the number was a cell phone no. from Spain, Madrid... so... I called... now I was even more intrigued. I can't tell you how eager were those men to get my bank info... and I told them I can't give that to them... They were like, but why??? Don't you trust us??? Duh!!!

    I said that if they want to pay me money they can write a check and I will take care of it here. They said Ok... so verify your address... I said, well obviously you guys have my address, so why don't you read it to me and I will tell you if it's correct. As I expected they did just that... So I confirmed it... And then they said they needed my SS#... I said nope, you don't. I asked them will you give me yours? he said, I don't have one... So I said, neither do I... not for you. Then they asked me how many kids I have and if I was married. I told them none of your business, really.. He said I don't have to be rude... I said , Oh, but I do. CUz you're trying to rip me off here. Finally, the guy says well Miss... your checque will arrive in 4 weeks... Right, and a bridge along with it! I was soo proud of myself... Imagine, other people got robbed of 50 mil... or so...

    Can you go to jail for fraud by false representation for 17 pounds?

    The insident happened in a shop but either shop or customer knew till a week later it was for 17.00 pounds and it was the customer whomade the mistake it was not intentional she had a lot on her mind. My relative is really worried as the case has now gone to public prosacution, does any one know what will happen? ThxCan you go to jail for fraud by false representation for 17 pounds?
    What sort of a Prosecution service that will prosecute for 拢17.00 and

    was a mistake.

    Should think they will drop it as a waste of public money.Can you go to jail for fraud by false representation for 17 pounds?

    What is the statute of limitations on suing another lawyer for false representation?

    Every jurisdiction has its own laws.What is the statute of limitations on suing another lawyer for false representation?
    If there were such a lawsuit, the limitations period would be determined seperately by each state and county. ';False representation'; standing alone, if not any sort of recognized ground for a lawsuit. If a lawyer hanging out in a bar tells some babe that he is really a CIA agent, that is not grounds for a lawsuit.What is the statute of limitations on suing another lawyer for false representation?
    check with your states rules. What state are you located in?

    What sentence will a solicitor get for making false representation and failing to diclose crucial information?

    solicitor failed to disclose that our case under breach of contract had become statute barred,what are the consequencies.What sentence will a solicitor get for making false representation and failing to diclose crucial information?
    You haven't given a lot of information - when did the case become statute barred? had you not been informed at any time that time was an issue with your claim? The solicitor wouldn't get any ';sentence'; as he/she hasn't actually committed a criminal offence! You should talk to the law Society if you want to make a complaint against the solicitor or sue them. they will be able to tell you what steps to take.What sentence will a solicitor get for making false representation and failing to diclose crucial information?
    Solicitors come under the protection of other lawyers, so like MPs they will get off scot free