Thursday, February 4, 2010

GOD forbid;How much if any,has false-prophets and bad representation damaged your view of Jesus Christ?

Nothing can damage my view of my Lord Jesus Christ.GOD forbid;How much if any,has false-prophets and bad representation damaged your view of Jesus Christ?
one big problem in today's world is that most people that call themselves Christians have no back bone, and have miss interrupted the Scriptures, think that meekness means timid and cowardliness, but not hardly,, the bible says to be bold , meek is a state of mind toward God, and gentleness, but not to bend on what God has told us, and as far as telling people they are wrong, ,, it is our duty, to instruct people of there error, For judgment must begin at the house of God ,, ,,, and second we must live what we preach, and that's why people wont tell others when they are in the wrong because they are doing the same things, true christains are not like this ,,,dont be fooledGOD forbid;How much if any,has false-prophets and bad representation damaged your view of Jesus Christ?
Fundamentalist not only drive people away from listening to the word from good Christians but also drive more and more people out of the churches each year!!!

The Antichrist is alive and thriving on earth using the fundies to destroy the church from the inside!!!!!
The Christian perception of Jesus has damaged the real truth of Jesus.
My view of Jesus has only deepened having discovered the dogma of self serving 鈥搒elf proclaimed profits.
Odd. I thought all prophets were false.

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